
lunes, 28 de abril de 2014


Music Arranged, Composed And Conducted By

Disc 1
1. United Artists Logo Theme (00:28)
by Joe Harnell
2. Main Title / End Credits (01:43)
from "Cliffhangers" by Joe Harnell
3. Jamie's Theme and Suite (06:43)
from "The Bionic Woman" by Joe Harnell
4. Suite from "Deadly Ringers - Part 2" (03:38)
(a) A Double Life (b) The Grass Is Always Greener On The Other Side! from "The Bionic Woman" by Joe Harnell
5. Suite from "Once A Thief" (03:30)
(a) Bending Things At Jamies's (b) More Bending Things from "The Bionic Woman" by Joe Harnell
6. Suite from "Doomsday Is Tomorow - Part 2" (05:50)
(a) Alex 7000's Theme (b) Woman vs. Machine (c) Exodus To Doom (d) Doomsday! (e) Failed Bomber Recall (f) Jamie Saaves The Day! from "The Bionic Woman" by Joe Harnell
7. Suite from "Sister Jamie" (07:43)
(a) Prayers (b) Jamie's Plan (c) Bagging The Bad Boys from "The Bionic Woman" by Joe Harnell
8. Suite from "Kill Oscar - Part 3" (09:11)
(a) Air Force March / The Island (b) Escape Tube (c) Fight With The Fembots (d) Cyborgs vs. Fembots (e) The Big Chase (f) Defeat (g) Flooding Waters And Escape from "The Bionic Woman" by Joe Harnell
9. Return Of Big Foot - Part2" (01:55)
(a) Hope To Tomorrow from "The Bionic Woman" by Joe Harnell
10. Main Title (01:14)
from "The Incredible Hulk" by Joe Harnell
11. "Married" (02:51)
(a) David And Caroline's Wedding from "The Incredible Hulk" by Joe Harnell
12. "Pilot" (03:19)
(a) Growing Anger from "The Incredible Hulk" by Joe Harnell
13. "Ricky" (02:24)
(a) Ricky's Theme from "The Incredible Hulk" by Joe Harnell
14. Suite from "Prometheus - Part 2" (05:19)
(a) Arrival At Prometheus (b) The Caging Of The Hulk from "The Incredible Hulk" by Joe Harnell
15. Suite from "Goodbye, Eddy Cain" (08:32)
(a) Eddie's Theme (b) Eddy's Car (c) Eddie And The Bad Boys (d) Hulk-out No.1 (e) Car Chase (f) A Lusty Lady (g) Hulk-out no.2 (h) Eddie Reflects (i) Eddie's Theme (reprise) from "The Incredible Hulk" by Joe Harnell
16. Suite from "Homecoming" (03:54)
(a) Reunion (b) David's Homecoming (c) The Lonely Man Leaves Home from "The Incredible Hulk" by Joe Harnell
17. Suite no.2 from "Prometheus - Part 2" (03:54)
(a) Through The Floor (b) The Hulk Escapes / The End Of Prometheus from "The Incredible Hulk" by Joe Harnell
18. Suite from "Married" (03:14)
(a) Prelude To Tragedy (b) Caroline's Death
19. Pilot* / Married** (03:18)
(a) Aftermath* (b) The Lonely Man Theme**(piano solo: Joe Harnell) from "The Incredible Hulk" by Joe Harnell

Disc 2

1. United Artists Logo Theme - Alternate Version (00:29)
by Joe Harnell
2. Main Title (01:21)
from "Hot Pursuit" by Joe Harnell
3. Jim And Kate's Love Theme (01:41)
from "Hot Pursuit" by Joe Harnell
4. Breakout / Shaw In Hot Pursuit (03:36)
from "Hot Pursuit" by Joe Harnell
5. The Joy Of Birth (00:57)
from "Hot Pursuit" by Joe Harnell
6. Finale / End Credits (01:23)
from "Hot Pursuit" by Joe Harnell
7. Suite from "Curse Of Dracula" (12:09)
(a) Dracula's Theme / Escape From The Burning Barn (b) Dracula Reflects (c) Up The Stairs (d) Dracula's Death* from "Curse Of Dracula" by Joe Harnell (* by Joe Harnell and Les Baxter, conducted by Les Baxter)
8. Main Title* / Handing Out / Stealing The Truck (04:06)
from "Alien Nation - The Series" (2 Hours Pilot) By Joe Harnell ( *Lyrics by Ken Johnson
9. She Belongs Here! (02:02)
from "Alien Nation - The Series" (2 Hours Pilot) By Joe Harnell
10. Domestic Slag (01:02)
from "Alien Nation - The Series" (2 Hours Pilot) By Joe Harnell
11. Tag Scene / End Title* (02:08)
from "Alien Nation - The Series" (2 Hours Pilot) By Joe Harnell (Lyrics by Ken Johnson)
12. Opening Credits - Part 2 (03:19)
from "V": The First Mini-Series by Joe Harnell
13. "It's Opening" / "Good Luck" (03:24)
from "V": The First Mini-Series by Joe Harnell
14. "Just William" / "Lizard Love" (02:59)
from "V": The First Mini-Series by Joe Harnell
15. ShutleBuddies / Mealtime / Lizar Westling (04:24)
from "V": The First Mini-Series by Joe Harnell
16. The Resistance (01:54)
from "V": The First Mini-Series by Joe Harnell
17. Ben's Fatal Flight (02:13)
from "V": The First Mini-Series by Joe Harnell
18. Go Tell Your Friend (01:15)
from "V": The First Mini-Series by Joe Harnell
19. The Trap / Tony And Donovan Captured (04:37)
from "V": The First Mini-Series by Joe Harnell
20. Abraham's Music / Abraham's Letter (03:11)
from "V": The First Mini-Series by Joe Harnell
21. Escape From The Mothership / Air Chase / Donovan's Luck(08:52)
from "V": The First Mini-Series by Joe Harnell
22. The Wounded Fall / Julie's Stand / Donovan To The Rescue(02:57)
from "V": The First Mini-Series by Joe Harnell
23. Kathleen's Death (02:51)
from "V": The First Mini-Series by Joe Harnell
24. "The War Is Just Beginning!" / End Title: "Gloria, Victoria!"*(01:34)
from "V": The First Mini-Series by Joe Harnell (*lyrics by Ken Johnson)

Legendario doble CD editado en 1992 que me sigue pareciendo en la actualidad uno de los mejores CDS promocionales jamas realizados nunca (probablemente en competencia con otro legendario doble CD promocional dedicado a Micahel J. lewis). La década de los noventa en sus inicios fue muy prolija en este tipo de ediciones discográficas -los famosos cds promo- con las que se pretendía sacar de la oscuridad trabajos y obras de autores de todo tipo.

Joe Harnell (1924-2005) fue un legendario compositor americano, muy popular en su país y no tanto fuera de el, siempre considerado como un maestro de la orquestación. Tras estudiar composición en su juventud ganó fama como compositor y director musical, trabajando en múltiples discos de los años 50 y 60...A partir del año 1973 entraría también en el mundo de la televisión y el cine trasladándose a Hollywood para trabajar en música de la película y la composición de televisión, componiendo para series emblemáticas como "The Bionic Woman", " The Incredible Hulk", "Alien Nation" o "V", por la que fue galardonado con un premio Emmy en 1986. Harnell también escribió la emblemática sintonía introductora de United Artists en la década de 1980, así como el tema musical de la telenovela de NBC Santa Barbara. Después de esto él se convirtió en un miembro de la facultad en la Escuela de USC Thornton de Música como instructor en la composición de música para el cine.

Imposible extenderme en su totalidad sobre cada uno de los cortes, este doble CD es pues un resumen genial de la obra televisiva y cinematográfica del compositor en el que podemos atisbar su enorme versatilidad estilística: Además del mítico tema principal de "United Artist" (que aparece en dos versiones distintas, una en cada CD), podemos encontrar extraordinarias suites orquestales,  temas de acción de todo tipo para series como "The Bionic Woman", "Alien Nation", "The Curse Of Dracula" "The Incredible Hulk" o la ochentera "V" en los que convive con naturalidad un prodigioso uso de los recursos orquestales, con el amor al jazz y el uso de los ritmos. Lo dicho, un doble compacto sencillamente irrepetible y extraordinario

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